Date: Friday, 08 Aug 2008 10:01
Grip Plyaz album release party is further indication of how strong the Atlanta Underground scene has become. Lenny's was packed. Like many of the recent concert/events done in the ATL Hip Hop scene, the mood was light-hearted, fun and fashion-forward. Grip Plyaz changed his outfit ON STAGE twice. Yes, you read that right. The man performed in three different custom/exclusive outfits. How was the musc? Well, when you have Proton, Hollyweerd, The Fewture and Fiona Simone perform, there is no need to ask that question.
For the first time in a while, I was actually taken back by Grip's stage performance. Hollyweerd came with a level of energy I wasn't used to seeing from them either. Were either of the performances the polished, perfect and potent shows they are capable and ATL is deserving of? Not yet. But it's still early. Many of these groups haven't been performing in front of significant audiences for more than a year. I'm sure we can expect great things in the future. Having said that, The Fewture's truncated set might have been the most impressive. His songs had a Hip Hop sensibility with a pop understanding and sing-songy hooks that radio, teeny-boppers and labels savor.
I'm expecting more from him in the future. For more pics, click on the set link above.